You Are A Dog Trainer

I’m Not A Dog Trainer

Oh yes you!

You might think that you aren’t a dog trainer because you don’t attend a class, or because you don’t compete in a dog sport or because the only official word your dog knows, is the word ‘sit’.

But you are a dog trainer! I promise you.

Your dog is learning from you each and every day.

What Are They Learning?

Maybe your dog is learning that sometimes you leave yummy food in the bin. Maybe your dog is learning that when you leave food on the counter tops, he can reach it. Maybe your dog is learning that when you cook food if he lays in the middle of the kitchen floor eventually he will get a treat. 

Your dog is watching you and taking in information from you all the time.

Whether you believe me or not, you are training your dog every single day.

Dogs are masters of patterns. They are so much better at recognising a sequence of events than we are.

There have been times when my dogs knew what I was going to do next before even I did! It was like they were mind readers.

Has that ever happened to you?

What if you could use this knowledge that you are a dog trainer to teach your dog a few little things that would make life a little easier. Being a dog owner can actually be a little challenging at times.

What if instead of laying in the middle of the kitchen floor, your dog decided to go to his bed? What if instead of stealing food from the bin your dog didn’t even seem to notice the bin existed?

Sometimes It Is Easier Not To Try
Sometimes we put off teaching our dogs because we think it is too difficult. Too hard. Too time consuming.

I know I did. As the owner of an ex-totally hyper, food stealing, counter surfing, non stop looney spotty dog, trust me, I know exactly what that feels like to not have the knowledge, skill or time.

I put off addressing this dog’s issues for over 12 months. Partly because I hoped he would just grow out of it or that neutering would fix it (it didn’t) and partly because I didn’t really know where to start with addressing his struggles. So I just didn’t start.

Who Is Training Who?
Over 12 months of this dog wanting attention, humping visitor’s legs and generally contributing to my ever rising stress levels. 12 plus months of making sure no food was ever left on the worktops because it would be gone. 12 months of clearing up kitchen rubbish off the floor after somebody had accidentally left the door to the bin open. 12 months of stress.

My dog was training me!

He was training me to never leave food out. To shut the doors. To have to be prepared when visitors came over. He was training me to think that hyper was normal.

It was hard work. I am grateful I no longer have to live like that. That I no longer have that stress in my life. That very same dog is now a total, easy joy to live with. But once upon a time I hadn’t thought it was possible. I thought it was just how some dogs are. I now know that isn’t true.

If I can turn that behaviour around when at the time I had no official dog training experience or the knowledge I do now, absolutely anyone can!

You Are A Dog Trainer
You are a dog trainer, whether you like it or not. You are a dog trainer and you can absolutely train your dog to be easier in the home and make your own life easier at the same time. Who doesn’t want less stress!

You’ve possibly tried ways in the past to turn things around but they didn’t work.

Don’t worry, I tried so many different methods before I found what actually worked too. These step by step guides are the result of trial and error and testing different methods until I found the ones that worked for me. And if they worked for me - they can work for you too.

Often the way people are told to train, involves them being cross and stern with their dog or waiting for the dog to do something wrong and correcting it. For most of us that just doesn’t feel right. We didn’t get a dog to be cross with it. We love our dog. Feeling cross and mean does no good to our own energy either.

We want to feel good about our relationship with our dog. We want to feel excited about teaching our dog to be a nicer housemate. We are dog owners and so we are also dog trainers. If we like it or not. And if we are dog trainers, we should at least try and be kind dog trainers.

What if we all learned a better way? Every single dog owner/trainer. Think about how much less stress there would be in the world and how much better the human/canine relationship would be in all households. This dream of a better human/dog connection is the passion that drives everything dog related we bring you.

Here at Not From The Pet Shop we are passionate about improving that bond, because if I can do it then so can you.

You are already a dog trainer. Be a kind one.

Ps. Serious about changing the relationship with your dog? Sign up for our brand new course to learn exactly how and become part of a private Facebook community too.
